Director Takashi Yamazaki, who most recently helmed the live-action "Space Battleship Yamato" movie, is already working on his next project. Titled "Friends: Mononoke Shima no Naki", it will be Japan's first feature-length 3D CG-animated film, and it will star SMAP's Shingo Katori (香取慎吾, 33) as the voice of the main character. Yamazaki and Katori last worked together on the director's debut film "Juvenile" in 2000.
With the current popularity of 3D animated films such as "Toy Story 3," Yamazaki decided to try making the first one to come out of Japan. He already has some experience with CG effects in his live-action films such as "Always: Sanchome no Yuhi" and "Ballad: Namonaki Koi no Uta."
Kouichi Yamadera
Yamazaki wrote the screenplay for "Friends," based on a tear-jerker fairy tale titled "Naita Aka-Oni." The story revolves around a red oni named Naki (Katori) and a blue ogre named Gunjo (Kouichi Yamadera) who live on an island, depicting their friendship and their interaction with a human boy. Other voices are being provided by Sadawo Abe, Seishirou Katou, and YOU.
Sadawo Abe
The film is expected to open in Japan in December 2011, playing in both 3D and 2D. Distributor Toho has stated that it aims for "Friends" to compete in the Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature. Toho also said that it has already received distribution offers from the United States and multiple Asian countries.
The entertainment news source Oricon is hosting the poster for the film. The film will play in theaters in stereoscopic 3D and traditional 2D.